Trying to purchase a home? Have issues with your credit score? Have you ever wondered how to increase your credit score quickly? Credit repair services can be very costly and can potentially take months or years to increase your credit scores. Your credit can be the difference between being approved or being denied for a mortgage. There is a lot of general information out there to increase your scores, but here at Chissell Mortgage Group we have an excellent tool to potentially increase your credit scores and fast!
So let's say you need a 620 credit score to qualify for a loan program, but you’re currently at a 599. We go through the mortgage application and pull your credit report. When we pull credit reports, it shows your current scores, along with your potential credit score improvement. We have a program that can reach out to those specific credit bureaus to give us step by step instructions on how to get those potential points! This has helped many of our borrowers get to the necessary credit score to close on the mortgage or potentially receive a better interest rate!
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Equal Housing Opportunity
NMLS #2062741
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